
Controlling Wood Movement

This month, our blog post covers a subject that is critical to anyone working with wood – the successful installation of millwork and doors, especially as it relates to moisture. This fact sheet should prove helpful. It’s text is below, but here is a PDF version for those who prefer it. Wood Versus Moisture Some of […]

Why does timber crack or check?

Cracks and checks give cedar so much of its character. They are a big part of what makes cedar completely unique and different from any other timber in the world! Cracks or checks occur when wood shrinks as it dries.  Wood shrinks roughly twice as much along the growth rings as it does across the rings and it […]

The Rules Have Changed

The American Wood Protection Association and the International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) have passed changes to their standards requiring pressure treated wood used in many physically above-ground applications be treated to ground contact requirements. The new standards require the user (builder, consumer, or inspector) to select Ground Contact Treatment for physically above-ground material when: […]